For unprofessional eyes, all insoles look alike...

It all began at the dawn of Earth’s history…The first Homo sapiens walked barefoot… His bones were bigger and stronger, and he walked great distances and faced substantial forces on his feet.
After a long long while…

The first known shoe was
made in 8000 BC

It was found in the Fort Rock Cave, state of Oregon, the US in 1938… Since then our feet have evolved and became weaker, sensitive, and lost their bygone strength. In time, this led to many foot deformities and chronicle issues such as Flat feet, High arches, Plantar Fasciitis, Neuromas, Sprains, Osteoarthritis, Achilles tendonitis and more. So…

Humanity started searching for a solution

It took us quite some time… but eventually, the first insole was created, considering the structure of the medial arch of the foot. Nowadays, it is well known that insoles may solve numerous orthopedic issues causing pain and discomfort, aligning your body posture and giving back to you that lost confidence feeling.

In the last 20 years, we progressed a lot

The variety of insoles on the market is tremendous. From over the counter to different types of customised ones. As mentioned, all insoles look the same. So how would you know which one you need? Which one will fit you? Unfortunately, there is no right answer. But...

Let us
help you

As mentioned, the diversity of products is huge, and they all offer some kind of support. When choosing among all the insoles the market proposes, you must consider that the only judge is YOU & YOUR subjective feeling and comfort sensation when using insoles. The problem is, if you won’t try you’ll never know, So...

The 3 things you need to consider:


The technology used to customise the insoles to your feet, therefore it’s accuracy.


The materials the insoles are made from, therefore their life expectancy.


The warranty you receive for the insoles and whether or not they can be readjusted.

Directly to your foot

Our technology of customising insoles directly to your feet on the spot. So not only that you don’t need to wait longer than 10 minutes, but also we maintain preciseness at 100%.

Thermoplastic plate

We use high quality thermoplastic materials and durable high density foams (PORON & EVA), which gives our products substantial life expectancy – up to 3.5 years.

Unlimited readjustments

During the warranty period you may visit our locations for unlimited readjustments if needed – until full satisfaction and ultimate comfort.


The technology used to customise the insoles to your feet, therefore it’s accuracy.

Directly to your foot

Our technology of customising insoles directly to your feet on the spot. So not only that you don’t need to wait longer than 10 minutes, but also we maintain preciseness at 100%.


The materials the insoles are made from, therefore their life expectancy.

Thermoplastic plate

We use high quality thermoplastic materials and durable high density foams (PORON & EVA), which gives our products substantial life expectancy – up to 3.5 years.


The warranty you receive for the insoles and whether or not they can be readjusted.

Unlimited readjustments

During the warranty period you may visit our locations for unlimited readjustments if needed – until full satisfaction and ultimate comfort.

Free foot analysis

Book your free foot analysis with one of our specialists.